

Vertdeep® independent impact verification services, was created to meet the need for transparent third-party impact claims performance assessment.

We believe that tracking the impact produced by underlying asset financed by a green, social or sustainable instrument under portfolio management is essential to establish the level of trust expected by investors and regulators.

Our clients are keen to build this bridge that the market is requiring to scale market demand for impact investment products and services. 

Independent verification is a “must have” to establishing and maintaining that trust.

With our recognized experience and the serious track record in market infrastructure and payments consultancy of Venturexpert, Vertdeep team delivers a unique expertise to provide a range of cutting edge bespoke impact insurance services.

For investor side, our services are build to accelerated compliance with art 8 and 9 of SFDR regulation and for issuer it purely transforms the NFDR to CSRD journey from a constraint to an opportunity to increase trust with investors aligning with transparency requirements.

Vertdeep® Impact
Verification Services

  • Collect evidence of the positive impact produced by the underlying asset of your ESG portfolio.
  • Tokenizing a set of KPIs alonside the origination of a new financial instrument issuance producing positive impact project, Vertdeep invents the first impact certificate of origin, allowing to measure ESG intensity of your portfolio tracking verified impacts.
  • Tack the impact end to end, provide transparency and make the positive impact uniquely identified and measurable.
  • Create intangible value of your non financial performance mobilizing Vertdeep Impact Certificates produced by the underlying assets of your portfolio.
    Use a DLT technology to provide full transparency expected by issuers, investors and auditors in the context of SFDR compliance.
  • Provide your labelling agencies and savers more reliable information on verified impact.
  • Easily prove and verify the alignment of your sustainable finance strategy with:
    1. Sustainable Development Goals.
    2. Net 0 roadmap.
  • As long as the financial asset has not reached its maturity date, use the Vertdeep Certificates to :
    1. Differentiate your marketing and communication.
    2. Enhance your non-financial performance.
    3. Turn SFDR constraints into an opportunity to boost investment portfolio with intangible performance.
  • When the maturity date of the financial asset is reached, optionnaly keep or detach  the Vertdeep Certificates.
  • Trade them on a secondary OTC market where buyers can use them for off setting purpose under art 6 of Accords de Paris.

Independent impact verification

Vertdeep Labs team verify and/or mandate an independent auditor traveling on site to gather Impact KPI data and input observations

Impact data DLT registration

Vertdeep Labs operates a neutral Blockchain to register Impact KPI data transparently using a Distributed Ledger Technology

Intangible valuation services

Vertdeep Labs facilitates intangible impact valuation issuing certificates tracking precisely the origin of impact to record data for proving non financial performance

Vertdeep secondary marketplace

Convert Vertdeep Certificates in a tradable NFT that will boost seller's financial returns while accelerating buyer's impact offsetting for net 0 strategy

Agir contre la déforestation
Conserver la forêt est un devoir pour les générations futures. Les forestiers respectueux des normes environnementales font face à une concurrence déloyale n'ayant pas le même niveau d'exigences.
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Agir contre le braconnage
Le braconnage est un fléau non seulement pour la protection des espèces qui en sont victimes, mais aussi pour la biodiversité.
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Agir pour améliorer la qualité de l'eau
Les fortes pluies produisent de l'érosion et les sédiments altèrent la qualité de l'eau bue par les communautés locales.
En savoir plus
Start now to record impact KPI

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La confiance…

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Vertdeep et le Petit Prince.

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"Grâce à l'émission de nos Tokens, nous avons réussi en 5 semaines a recevoir un financement en euros en échange de la cession des droits à l'image des impacts impacts positifs vérifiés du projet."
Edouard Todd
Chef de projet
"Vertdeep n'est pas une crypto money. C'est un traceur d'impact bien utile pour évaluer l'insensité ESG des portefeuilles sous gestion. Les Tokens Vertdeep apportent des preuves."
Elodie O'Brian
Investisseur ESG
"Très belle interface permettant d'imputer de nombreuses données de performance projets durables et qui facilite grandement mon quotidien de vérificateur ESG. L'essayer c'est l'adopter."
Jérémie Paul
Evaluateur Durabilité Projet